Week 4 Thursday game 1 breakdown

In a land of sticks and pucks and goals, Where players glide and slap and roll, The Detroit Red Wings, full of might, Faced Chicago’s Blackhawks, ready to fight.

The first period came and went, Not a single puck was sent, Into the net, no goals were seen, Both teams played rough and mean.

In the second, things did change, The scoreboards lit, it wasn’t strange. The Red Wings’ xBeanZy- scored, A goal that fans just adored.

But Chicago wasn’t far behind, Semple19, sharp and kind, Found the net, made it even, One to one, no one was leavin’.

The third period, oh so tight, Both teams battled with their might. No goals were scored, the goalies strong, Blade0Muffin and Fedorov91x played along.

Into overtime they went, Determined, focused, not yet spent. And then it happened, swift and quick, Semple19 with a flick.

The puck slid in, the crowd did cheer, The Blackhawks won, the end was near. Detroit fought hard, they did their best, But Chicago proved they were the best.

Blade0Muffin stood tall in net, Saved ten shots, but lost the bet. uStooPiiD and GerryySZN, Tried to help but couldn’t win.

TokeNxsty and Sniiiider too, Did their best, as players do. But it was not enough that night, The Blackhawks claimed the victory’s light.

For Chicago, reimatttack34 and Crazyflame29, Defended strong, held the line. Hughsy28- and John_Dean_16, With assists that gleamed and gleaned.

Fedorov91x, the goalie star, Saved sixteen shots, the best by far. The Blackhawks cheered, their spirits high, The Red Wings left, a sigh, a sigh.

In the land of sticks and pucks and goals, Where players glide and slap and roll, The tale was told, the game was done, Chicago’s Blackhawks had won, won, won.

n a land of ice and goals galore, Where pucks do fly and players score, The Florida Panthers, brave and bold, Faced St. Louis Blues, a sight to behold.

The game began, the crowd did cheer, But soon enough, it was quite clear, The Blues came out with all their might, Their sticks were sharp, their skates were light.

First period, six goals they scored, The Panthers, oh, how they were floored. Cuban1616 with assists so fine, Set up goals, time after time.

Second period, goals piled high, The Blues kept scoring, oh my, oh my! BigLappy and XKYROU25, Their plays were sharp, they thrived, they thrived.

EL_R_O_O_K_I_E was fast and slick, Three goals he scored, oh what a trick! The Panthers struggled, couldn’t find, A way to stop the Blues’ great grind.

The third period, mercy did call, For the Panthers, it was quite a fall. The Blues had won, the game was through, With ten goals scored, and none from the blue.

Popeskill and Margo I, Skated hard but couldn’t fly. Terance2nice in goal, oh dear, Faced nineteen shots, it was clear.

The Panthers’ defense, not so grand, The Joker6228 and xShxyne did stand, But couldn’t stop the Blues’ great feat, Their efforts fell beneath their feet.

For St. Louis, oh what joy, Cuban1616 and SA_Pliskin, oh boy! BigLappy and XKYROU25, Their teamwork kept the game alive.

And so the story, sad but true, The Panthers lost, the Blues broke through. In the land of ice and goals galore, The Blues had won, the Panthers scoreless, sore.

The mercy rule, it did apply, For Florida’s team, they couldn’t deny. St. Louis Blues, with hearts so light, Claimed the victory on that night.

In a rink so cold, with ice so bright, The Penguins faced the Predators, what a sight! The game began, the pucks did fly, The players skated, oh my, oh my!

First period, no goals to see, The score was tied, oh let it be. But then the second, Penguins soared, Two goals they netted, the crowd adored.

XHyper-8, with speed and flair, Scored both goals, without a care. Morrow_2867 assisted fine, Their teamwork sparkled, simply divine.

The third period, the Predators tried, A goal they scored, they never lied. DEx3Ad, with a shot so quick, But it wasn’t enough, the clock did tick.

The Penguins held, their defense tight, Da_real_jarry, a wall of might. Seventeen shots he faced with grace, Only one got past, it was a race.

The Predators fought, with heart and soul, NuttyOutlaw13 and Randymarsh’s role. But penalties plagued, their efforts fell, The Penguins’ power play cast a spell.

Nine attempts they had, on the power play, Two goals they scored, to win the day. Soloxdolox and XFrxncey too, Assisted well, their efforts true.

JoshuaDuhaime and L stale L, For the Predators, they did well. But in the end, it wasn’t enough, The Penguins’ win was solid and tough.

So in this land of ice and cheer, The Penguins triumphed, it was clear. The Predators lost, but they fought hard, In this icy game, in the rink’s backyard.