Roster & Transaction Rules

A) Roster Maintenance:

Teams must maintain rosters with a minimum of 10 active players at all times.

B) Post-Draft Cap Adjustment:

At the draft’s conclusion, teams may potentially be over the cap. They are required to name their starting roster by sending enough players to TC to bring their cap out of the red.

C) Inactive Player Management:

Players may be placed on Injured Reserve (IR) if inactive for a period exceeding one week. Once on IR, the team must call up or sign a player if the active player count falls below 10.

D) Trade Approvals and Reversals:

Nearly all trades will be approved, provided teams do not exceed the salary cap, attempts to trade a player who has not been active or give a strong indication of tanking or sabotage.  Players not meeting their weekly required games or who have quit are not eligible for trading and must be reported and removed from the league.  

E) Draft Pick Trading:

Draft picks can only be traded during the offseason as a general standard. However, this function may be changed or turned off if the league deems it necessary during a new league format test.

F) Training Camp Call-Ups:

Teams may call up TCs from their roster at any time, provided cap space is available. No pick-up timer is imposed on teams who own the TC player, waiver order will also not be affected. Players called up must be given roster spots until they fulfill their weekly required games before being sent back down to training camp.

G) Waiver Order Establishment:

The waiver order is determined once a game is played, with the order for the week based on the current standings at the start of that week. Every Saturday, the order resets and reestablishes itself based on the new standings. Each successful claim on another teams TC will move that team out of their waiver spot, placing them last in the order until the new order is established at the week’s end.

H) Training Camp Waiver Process:

Teams placing a claim on another team’s TC will be required to wait a 24-hour pick-up timer. During this time, a team with higher waiver priority can place a claim. The team currently owning the TC has the option to call up the player with priority over all other teams. If the team owning the TC places a claim, it becomes an instantly completed pick-up. This team cannot trade or release the player for one week. Upon release, the team with the initial claim will have the chance to reestablish their claim using the same waiver order. The team releasing the player will not have any rights to call up during this claim.

I) Bidding War for Claims:

Claims made prior to a waiver order will be conducted as a bidding war, except for the team that owns the TC. Other teams will have a 24-hour clock where the highest bid wins the player. The opening bid is the currently set salary of that particular player.

J) Trade Deadline:

The trade deadline is on Sunday at the conclusion of week 3. No trades are permitted beyond this point. Trades posted before the deadline but not yet signed off by both teams will remain valid for 2 hours after the deadline, requiring full approval within that time.

K) Roster Lock Deadline:

The roster lock deadline is on Sunday at the conclusion of week 4. No call-ups or send-downs are permitted beyond this point, except for maintaining roster minimum requirements due to players being removed from the league. Players released within the last hour before the deadline will be eligible for pick up 2 hours past the deadline cutoff to maintain fair play and to protect players from owner bad will releases. Owners who release said players will only have until the original cutoff to call these players back up. They are not eligible for the extended timeline for those pick ups.